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Ecrit par Bruno, Publié in Voyage on 4 gennaio 2016 – 04:14

How to Kill Bedbugs on Clothes With Heat in the Dryer,
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Thermal Death Point

A creature’s thermal death point is the temperature at which it cannot survive. Bedbugs die at 113 degrees Fahrenheit, but eggs can survive slightly higher temperatures. The eggs also survive heat for longer than bedbugs at other stages of development. According to Dr. Dini M. Miller of the Department of Entomology at Virginia Tech, 113 degree temperatures kill bedbugs within 90 minutes, but the bugs die at 118 degrees in only 20 minutes. At 118 degrees, bedbug eggs die within 90 minutes; at higher temperatures, the eggs die faster.

The heat of a clothes dryer is high enough to kill bedbugs in all stages of their life cycle. Some machines, however,
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